

let's meet


Why hello there! I'm Elizabeth, an recent grad from Chapman University with a degree in Graphic Design and minor in entrepreneurship and leadership. Alongside design, I have been a professional photographer for the last four years, covering everything from weddings to pet portraits (yea, that's a real thing). When I'm not in front of a computer screen, you can find me taking photographs, frolicking on the beach, and adventuring. Born and raised in the sunny city of San Clemente, the beach and nature has shaped me into an outdoor enthusiast. I thrive off of natural sunlight and coastal views, and couldn’t imagine life without summer beach days and long walks. I am passionate about working with clients and companies who serve a greater purpose than their own, and have a positive impact on society. I believe that we should be the difference that we want to see in the world, and design, photography, and creativity gives me the opportunity to do so.


  • RedBull
  • A21 Campaign
  • MySocialCanvas
  • Live Salted
  • Hillsong Y&F
  • Filtrate Eyeware
  • The Hudsons
  • Ocean Sleep Medicine